Birrificio Messina means tradition. A tradition rooted in the past of the 15 members, respecting the most ancient tastes but with a glance projected to the future. A company committing itself every day to get the highest yield from raw materials thanks to cutting edge
technological processes. The company, started in 2016 and at the moment in a phase of expansion, is owner of plants allowing to produce different kinds of beers, maintaining excellent efficiency and reduced energy consumptions.

100 kw
Birrificio Messina makes its beers “greener” providing its facilities with a photovoltaic plant producing about 100 kw installed on the roofs of the two warehouses.
Thanks to this investment in environmental sustainability the brewery has considerably improved its energy output, being able to self-consume about 80% of the energy produced by the photovoltaic plant, to reduce electric energy consumptions and cut carbon dioxide emissions by about 75,7 t/year. Again, attention to the social effects of the whole process on the territory is paid and it is analysed through the protocol S.R.T. (Socially Responsible Territories), designed at European level by “Fondazione di Comunità di Messina” with Reves (Rete European Network of Cities and Regions for Social Economy). It’s one more reason for choosing the beers produced by the cooperative from Messina, that once again has managed to mix tradition, passion and innovation!

The non profit organization Fondazione di Comunità di Messina supports virtuous start ups, attracting capitals, creative and technical-scientific talents and starting processes of economic development in a territory, which is the one around the city of Messina, daily impoverished and from which the most skilled human resources escape. Birrificio Messina is the most emblematic example of actions that have allowed a traditional local production to start again. This traditional local production has long marked the identity of the territory before being closed down, for sure not for being economically unprofitable.